
Name: Knowledge

Author: Liudmila Maksimovskaya NIKOXXII, DOB 1978

Geography: n/a

Made in (country/ city): United States, Rockford, IL

Date (when it was made): 02/19/2014

Medium: paper, pencil, marker, Photoshop

Dimensions (size): 6754 x 5332 pixels, 11.257 inches x 8.887 inches, resolution 600 pixels/inch

Copyright © : Liudmila Maksimovskaya NIKOXXII

Description: I created this image as an attempt to settle on one type of illustrations for the BOTS6 series. Any picture I had tried seemed to take too long to finish. Since I had always been quite impatient, I wished to find a way to draw multiple images quickly. I think, in the end, it may have been more about difficulties with settling on a style than about time consumption. I’m still in the process of deciding. This artwork is meant to be only a sample. I named it “I know,” but had no clue why. It is possible that the image symbolizes self-trust. I think when I drew the picture, I had already known the answer to my book illustrations question but refused to accept it. The solution seemed too complicated or even illogical.

Sometimes when we don’t want to accept potential solutions to our problems, we may decide there are no solutions. It’s not always easy to admit the truth, but it is necessary to try being honest with ourselves and have a fresh look at the options our logical mind or intuition offers us. Before we permanently dismiss a solution, we may want to understand the reasons and how valid they are.