Time Travel

Name: Time Travel

Author: Liudmila Maksimovskaya NIKOXXII, DOB 1978

Geography: n/a

Made in (country/ city): Russia, Raduzhnyi

Date (when it was made): 1998

Medium: watercolor paper, pencil, acrylic paint, Photoshop

Dimensions (size): 6443 x 10126 pixels, 21.477 inches x 33.753 inches, resolution 300 pixels/inch

Copyright © : Liudmila Maksimovskaya NIKOXXII

Description: For many years this artwork was known as “Indian.” I was determined not to sell it and considered it one of my favorite and essential works. As time went by, I renamed it and decided it would be ok to put it out for sale. This piece is not an original. I’m not sure where the original is. All I had left is a small scanned copy of it, so I recreated the image by using paintwork as a base for fill-in patterns. The man (or a woman if you’d like) is yet another interdimensional traveler absorbing the knowledge of various tribes and generations. He/she is a collector of wisdom. The accumulation of knowledge is his/her primary goal and the purpose.