Childhood Migraine

Name: A Young Child in a House

Author: Liudmila Maksimovskaya NIKOXXII, DOB 1978

Geography: n/a

Made in (country/ city): USA, Rockford, IL

Date (when it was made): 02/16/2014

Medium: paper, pencil, pen, Photoshop

Dimensions (size): 2545 x 3820 pixels, 4.242 inches x 6.367 inches, resolution 600 pixels/inch

Copyright © : Liudmila Maksimovskaya NIKOXXII

Description: This image can have multiple meanings, but I decided to stop on childhood migraine. At the moment of initial creation, the picture meant something else. I turned to a migraine because one of my kids was suspected to have it. He ended up having a different issue, but I stuck with the symbolism. The image shows how a migraine can affect a person: light and sound sensitivity, headache, visual aura, auditory aura, tiredness, and even paralysis. Now, what is the positive side of the artwork (since I have promised to stay optimistic in my art)? Here it comes: this piece is not only about symptoms, but also about resilience and an ability to find a reason to smile. Here are a few examples. I have had a chronic migraine with aura for many years until the attacks’ frequency dramatically reduced in 2017.

Despite the nauseating effect of a visual aura, I found it to be quite fascinating and entertaining. But, my favorite type of aura was the auditory one. If I heard music in the evening (auditory hallucination), I knew a migraine was coming, but, in the meantime, I could enjoy the concert. Migraine is not a joke and can be quite debilitating, but it doesn’t mean sufferers cannot have a little fun with it.