Name: Toy World
Author: Liudmila Maksimovskaya NIKOXXII, DOB 1978
Geography: Illinois
Made in (country/ city): United States, Rockford, IL
Date (when it was made): unknown
Medium: photograph, Photoshop
Dimensions (size): 612 x 612 pixels, 8.5 inches x 8.5 inches, resolution 72 pixels/inch
Copyright © : Liudmila Maksimovskaya NIKOXXII
Description: The original title of the photograph was “Trapped in a Toy World Unable to Play.” I still think it is a good title, but it is too long for display here, so I shortened it. One day I was staring at the mess kids made on the floor and saw an opportunity for a shot. I don’t remember if the presence of toy handcuffs was a coincidence or if I put them there. I suspect the cuffs were next to manikin by chance since I did not intend for the image to have the meaning it ended up having. When I opened the photo for editing, the symbolism revealed itself. The figure, due to its limitations unable to enjoy the world entirely. The grey cuffs and the toy stethoscope are reminders of manikin’s limitations (possibly medical ones), but right next to the wooden figure you see a saw. Is it a hint?
Can boundaries be broken to a certain extent? And maybe the green looking glass with a compartment for objects to investigate also provides us with a clue. We can attempt to explore the world and opportunities the restrictions present at a different angle. Is the looking glass a symbol of a perspective change?