Name: Pink Rose
Author: Liudmila Maksimovskaya NIKOXXII, DOB 1978
Geography: Rockford, IL
Made in (country/ city): United States, Rockford, IL
Date (when it was made): 09/09/2013
Medium: photograph, Instagram filters
Dimensions (size): 1122 x 1122 pixels, 15.583 inches x 15.583 inches, resolution 72 pixels/inch
Copyright © : Liudmila Maksimovskaya NIKOXXII
Description: When I look at this flower, I can taste the sweetness in my mouth: a taste of zephyr or cotton candy. I wish I could have some rose-shaped zephyr right now with some tea or coffee. (For those who don’t know what “zephyr” means – it is a Russian-style marshmallow, but denser and chewier.) I would not dare to say the photograph symbolizes candy. It would be a little silly, wouldn’t it? I think the image represents sweetness, joy. It may even mean exaltation. I love candy. Can you tell? Moving away from unhealthy food, if the photograph does represent elation – it would be the spiritual kind. It may even symbolize the moment when Kundalini reaches crown chakra (if you believe in that kind of things.) How many wonderful emotions a candy-like rose can evoke!