
Name: Destiny

Author: Liudmila Maksimovskaya NIKOXXII, DOB 1978

Geography: n/a

Made in (country/ city): USA, Mount Prospect, IL

Date (when it was made): 01/18/2007

Medium: paper, pencil, marker, Photoshop

Dimensions (size): 2534 x 3256 pixels, 8.447 inches x 10.853 inches, resolution 300 pixels/inch

Copyright © : Liudmila Maksimovskaya NIKOXXII

Description: The title of the artwork reflects its symbolism. If you could predict the future, but all you could see was a path filled with obstacles and hurdles leading to a dim outcome, what would you do? Would you attempt to change the destiny or embrace it – take it on as a warrior? The person in the picture is well aware of the difficulties. She/he doubts the success of the journey and the worth of the result. Once the individual sees beyond the grief-driven worry – she/he can notice the bright light. This image represents an ability to look beyond the struggles and face the challenges life brings with dignity. A few words about color symbolism. In this image, brown (materialistic view) and purple (spirituality) united by gold (wisdom) form the strength to overcome challenges.