
Name: Sarogh

Author: Liudmila Maksimovskaya NIKOXXII, DOB 1978

Geography: n/a

Made in (country/ city): USA, Rockford, IL

Date (when it was made): 03/05/2013

Medium: paper, pencil, Photoshop

Dimensions (size): 6961 x 5533 pixels, 11.602 inches x 9.222 inches, resolution 600 pixels/inch

Copyright © : Liudmila Maksimovskaya NIKOXXII

Description: I came up with the design and the title during a meditation. I had no idea what Sarogh meant at that time. After conducting a little research, I learned Sarogh was a type of carpet. I felt the meaning of the image’s name was quite fitting. The artwork is meant to be a talisman of a sort to protect against evil influences and bad dreams. Even though, some impressionable people might start having nightmares after looking at it. Regardless, the picture does symbolize protection against darkness (internal or external.) I dare you to test it and find out whether it works or not.